Thursday, October 11, 2012

“There is None, but You” p: 169

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 25 Tishrei 5772 

Page 169 – about 10 lines from end of the page – (line starts, 'de-habitul...') For text, see picture below.

This is the conclusion of what we have been saying, 'there is none but You' is recognized only above in the garden of Eden. 'Nothing compares to You' is recognized in this world. This tells of what sense permeates each setting. This is a world of separateness, and thus no matter how much it comprehends it remains a 'something' and is thus unable to sense the truth of 'there is none but You'!

Above, where the light cleaves to its source it is sensed, how there is 'none but You!'

In this world where separate entities exist, the entity does not cease to be a 'something' when it recognizes its source.

Cleaving/devekut provides a first hand knowledge – the light has a sense of reality itself, not a projection.

'All is like naught before Him, as if it did not exist', is a level that can only be sensed as an experience of the essence itself – cleaving to the essence itself.

A source can project itself. Essence does not create a projection. When there is a projection, there can be comparison. Essence is in a category unto itself. And sensing essence itself, gives a sense of 'all is like nothing before Him'.

Essence is the truth of existence. There are things that exist due to some cause... then there is existence due to truth, not functionality. Truth doesn't exist, since it cannot not exist! It is above existence. Things exist and take up space – they project their existence. Essence does not do this at all. It does not exist due to having an effect and making itself know.

A thing can be displaced. Essence cannot be displaced.

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