Thursday, October 18, 2012

“Keep Your Sense of Shame” p: 170

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 2 Cheshvan 5772  

Page 170 – about 7 lines from end of top paragraph of the page – (line starts, 'u-bah bechinat...') For text, see picture below.

We are giving a metaphor for the phenomenon of the contraction/tzimzum and then the re-introduction of the light. The tzimzum removes the light/revelation, but not the reality behind the light.

The mashpia/mentor reveals sechel/new mind to the student. This is a revelation. Real sechel is not, 'to figure out how things are' but rather that, 'the way things are is the correct way to go' – it brings the perception 'that this is the truth itself'.

When there is a contraction, the full view of the truth is removed and only the reality itself, the statement remains.

The light after the tzimzum is removed and you are left with a general point (nekudah klalit), that defines and gives a general definition and limit to what the hashpaah/mentorship shall be.

The recipient needs something limited and specific. And that becomes the conduit for exposure to the light of sechel/mind in general.

To reveal and produce the light from the general point, the rav/master should see the aspects appropriate for the student.

To build understanding you start with something limited. Take the example of 'don't steal' – it fits into our world, but from the Torah perspective that's not what it is about.

To really 'get it' one has to go back to 'where this is all coming from'. 'Don't steal' represens the G-dly presence in the world. To get a grasp of this you have to go through 'chozer u-may-ir / return and illuminate'. And for the student you don't start with the light, you start with the simple decree, 'don't steal'.

Sechel is not to 'figure things out'. Real sechel/mind is not deductive. It is a statement that, 'that which has been figured out carries the power of truth and should be pursued'. Sechel develops with age. The first requirement is to realize your human stature.

Sechel relates to something totally intangible. It says, 'there is truth behind this and you should follow through'. For the student the light of sechel is not fully realized. The mentor needs to present to him at his level.

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