Sunday, October 21, 2012

“Original Reality” p: 170

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 5 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 170 – 2nd paragraph of the page – (line starts, 'vehadugmah...') For text, see picture below.

After the contraction there is a point that says, 'something was here'. And it attests to this significance. But it only attests to it, without telling what it is. To reveal what this trace contains you have to bring back the original light to illuminate and now the light is focussed and limited.

The revelation of the line/kav from the point is by means of the process of the return of the light that was present before the contraction.

The light reflects the Source from which it comes. Everything is alive! 

The limited light, has a purity similar to the light that preceded the tzimzum. This is on account of the kiruv/closeness. The revelation at this level is cleaving to the infinite. And has an element of this infinity.

Think of any process: an invention, an engine, a company – it seems to have its own process – it seems to run on its own. But understand this, 'the initial force that started it is what it all represents'. The initiator, here in the analogue, the Creator, follows through the entire process, and all His creations have this aspect.

Every invention/product in the world is based of 'the human spirit' that brings it into being and maintains it.

And this is the motivation behind every revelation. His spirit.

Infinity does not beg the question of, 'where is it coming from?'

the initiator of the kav/line is Infinity, and thus there is never the question of, 'what are you doing here?'

In the palace, no one asks the little prince what he is doing there – all his disturbances are sweetnesses – he is there because the king is there.

Yet still the tzimzum means things come in a limited and finite manner. And yet they retain an element of infinity. How can these opposite elements co-exist? Because it is a creation.

You are the one who links and unifies opposites.”

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