Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What I am Trying to Show you is the Infinitep: 170 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 29 Tishrei 5772

Page 170 – 8 lines from the top of the page – (line starts, 'tzimzum atzum...') For text, see picture below.

There had to be a profound contraction/tzimzum of the light, so that only a point remains. A point stripped of the primary element. Before the tzimzum there was just eternity – no worldly orientation.

The kav, brings the light. This sequence of the kav retains a closeness to the light that was before the tzimzum. The closeness means that even if what is given is finite, yet it still is representative of the infinite – it says, 'what I am trying to show you is the infinite'.

When a king issues a decree it is very brief and the full richness behind it is concealed. It is representative of him and it is the presence of the king. G-d puts himself in the middle of our presence by means of His decrees/mitzvoth. This is the nekudat hareshimu. A finite statement containing the entire infinity in a point.

For the nekudah to become a kav/line there has to be a re-introduction of the ohr ein sof – infinite light.

The infinite light returns, shines, and re-introduces itself after the retraction/tzimzum.

The tzimzum results in a differentiation between the levels of pnimiut/interior and chitzoniut/exterior.

Your soul is real and contains everything. Anything you will ever understand is due to the reality of this soul. You come to understand and use things on the external level, but this is possible because on an internal level the entire reality is always present.

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