Thursday, January 31, 2013

“Union and Separation” p: 9-10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 20 Shvat 5773 

Page 9
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We are looking at the principle that the fact that there are 2 types of sphirot – Mah – inner and; Ban – asserting their own nature, yet there is an inter-inclusion between them. Mah refines/corrects Ban...

Ban has sphirot that diverge... this means that though there is cause and effect they don't work in concert... like a pitcher who throws wild.

The true principle of inter-inclusion, is viable when the essence and origin of the cause contains the effect, but not as a separate entity.

In all the worlds of Tohu, there is hischalkut/division. Even the things that had a level of cause and effect, did not have real inter-inclusion.

The sphirot of Tohu are described as a nekudah – a point... this means being concentrated on an element without a broader recognition...

And because it is Tohu, the focus is on its own element and expression, When there was revelation they were separated from each other...

This is contrast to the way in the realm of Tikkun, separate levels, carry within and imprint of the others. Creations sense the presence of G-dliness, although this is not a true unity. But in the world of Tohu there is an even greater level of separation...

The human being is an oddity. He stands up on two feet. This is an 'unnatural' stance. He is a spiritual presence even while he behaves in a physical world. The animal also needs a life force to stand. But it is a physical life that translate totally on a physical level. The human being's life is life – there is not a physical way to explain his stance – it is due to his light/spirit.

Godliness needs no proof. Other stuff needs justification. An interesting element of creations – on the one hand there is something unique about each thing and they need to sustain themselves, and need specific conditions... but the very fact of its existence is beyond question. We say, 'yes, it exists, here is this type of animal, here is this type of tree...' etc...

The evolutionary perspective is opposite to this. It says things are just here due to their fight to persist... each thing is under threat of being usurped... but even from an evolutionary perspective there is a level of peace at the level of existence... this is due to their nullification to Elokus/G-dliness... at some level they have perfect ease... rather than focus on their existence, they are focussed on being His creation... 

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