Friday, February 1, 2013

“It Can See It, But Not Have It” p: 9

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 21 Shvat 5773 

Page 10
About a third into the page – (line starts, 'she lemata...') For text, click here.

We have looked at metziut and mahus many times. To get a sense of the difference between them think of what it says in Chassidus, 'everything wants its fulfillment/continued presence' (rotzeh be kiyumo). It wants what it is to persist. In the worldly interpretation this is stripped of any significance and it is said, 'it just wants to be, it just wants to survive'. The primary will of a human being is not just to be, but to be a human being...

In reality this is the Godly element. A rock wants to be a rock. If you just have a survival perspective there is no mahus or meaning or light...

In a human being the mind enlivens the emotions. What does mind provide for the emotions? It provides an overall significance.

Chochmah/wisdom can see the crown/kesser, but not have it.

The real sense of ratzon/will, which is a faculty of soul, is a testimonial to the reality of the soul. The question of 'why?' is totally out of order.

That element cannot possibly be understood. Chochmah can recognize its presence, but not possibly understand it and absorb it.

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