Tuesday, February 12, 2013

“New Mind” p:11

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 2 Adar 5773 

Page 11
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We stepped into a new concept: 'New mind' – mochin chadashin – which is a new status a new reality – it is the sphirot as they are contained in the very source.

This level first begins to be recognized after the initial excitement, which is based on seeing something very fine and much higher than his own orientation... and the excitement is not, 'how great it is to find something wonderful', but rather the very perception and understanding is by means of his faculties and how it affects him... he is relating not to the truth per se, but to the affect it has on him, and this is the basis for the excitement and part of the understanding.

After that comes a focus on the reality of the light itself, and there 'the King Himself is present' and there is no excitement. There is nothing to understand about the king. It is reality itself. And only through bitul/nullification does one relate to reality. And the way to begin to relate to this is by means of chochmah/wisdom.

The wise man says, 'I choose the king'. His eyes are on king himself and not any benefit for himself.  

This is new mind. It is a new light that is incomparable to what was experienced within the framework of seder hishtalshalus. This is the difference between, 'true' and 'truth'. Truth is an element that is beyond world.

This effect is brought about by the Torah, which is from chochmah/wisdom and bring the revelation of the shem Mah. Torah is enclothed in the world, yet it completely ignores the limits in the world. It expresses infinity in worldly terms. It defines things it its own light. On what basis? On the basis of the Godly presence.

And this is 'derech haTorah' / the way of Torah. That by means of the path that it provides are introduced new lights that do not conform to the seder hishtalshalus.

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