Wednesday, February 13, 2013

“New Influence” p:11

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 3 Adar 5773 

Page 11
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In response to a question from Akiva, Rabbi opened the class with a review of Tikkun and Tohu and Mah and Ban.

The essence of Mah is the hidden, treasured sphirot. These treasured sphirot are recognized and appreciated by the source itself (in contrast with sphirot usually being needed for 'outside' expression).

This is like the primary desire of a human being. He desires to be a human being. But he is a human being! He was made this way. But he wants it. There is a recognition of the greatness of it. This is a direct reflection of the essence. Only the essence can appreciate this significance.

Additional light is brought by Torah. It represents the chochmah element. It also presents details. It makes a statement without seeking justification at the lower levels.

This is the 'derech'/way of Torah. It is the pathway of the light. It provides a channel. It enables a new influence from above that defies the usual manner of cause and effect (seder hishtalshalus).

'The paths of Torah are pleasantness/noam', says the verse.

And the Zohar says Torah is providing a path from below upwards. This is to be understood as clarifying that the descent of the soul here below is for the sake of its ascent. What type of ascent? That it should rise up from the level of its origin to a higher level.

'He and His vessels are one' is, at the levels where the souls originate. This is keilim de atzilus. 'He and His life is one', is the level of chabad. This is like a rise from emotions/midot into mochin/mind. How is this accomplished? This is done by means of the service/avodah of perfecting and 'sorting out' the animal soul/nefesh ha bahamit.

This is because the animal soul is an entity at a coarse physical level. The animal soul is not capable of relating with something that does not have a course tangibility/physicality.

Then by means of the work of the Godly soul, the animal soul is 'reigned in', bitul hayesh is affected...

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