Sunday, February 17, 2013

Constant Craving” p:12 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 7 Adar 5773

Page 12
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The life that comes to enliven the world, is delivered in a manner of ratzu ve shuv (back and forth).

This is like the way the soul enlivens the body. It constantly is constantly coming forth and reverting back. This is like the beatin of the heart, which has 2 movements. In and out. If it this life has just one mode – going forth and relating to the body, then that would not give life to the body. There has to be a reverting back and then a coming forth again. When it reverts back to its source the life if rejuvenated with this process.

Then when it comes forth it brings new life to enliven the body.

We looked at this on the level of sechel/mind. The same process is seen in the way the mind works and learns... This is seen in the process of learning. Lets say you review something for the second time. It is not just a review, it includes an experience of learning – it reconnects with the essence of the sechel. And this essence is beyond mind/sechel.

Your learning has to be connected to the basis of sechel.

Picture from Joel in Sweden
You can learn and discover a certain truth. And significance can be missed. So therefore for that truth to have impact he has to make a conscious effort and the innate life is lacking.  

There can be a different scenario where the sechel is a living sechel. He senses this is reality, I live with this. So then the middot/emotions follow automatically from this truth and are imbued with the vitality of the soul.

The proper way of learning is to revisit and rise back up to the essence of the sechel with each review. This has a deep effect. It is a new experience of the same sechel/mind and it is deepened and broadened. His mind, emotions and actions are imbued with new vitality.

This is also the way the soul gives vitality to the body.

In our days there are 2 ways the life of the body is interpreted. A worldly view is that the vitality belongs to the body and is on a physical level.

We reject that and say, the vitality of the body is drawn from the soul all the time. In order for the soul element to be felt the sechel/mind needs to revert back to the essence and stay in touch with the essence all the time.

The 10 sphirot are like a flame that is connected to their coal. As it says, 'God is a consuming flame'. Like the flame that can only exist while based on the coal. The flame is connected to its source.

The cause for the striving/ratzu can be seen by looking at the principle of 'ohr ein sof' / 'light without end', and why it is call this and not 'light without beginning'. Every kadmon/primal entity is nitzchi/eternal, but not every eternal entity is primal.

How can something that is not primal, meaning it is a creation and a specific presence, be eternal.

There are things that exist indefinitely like the sun. This is an individual entity. And then there are also species the exist indefinitely, although each individual member has a limited existence.

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