Thursday, February 14, 2013

“Presenting Reality” p:11

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 4 Adar 5773 

Page 11
near middle of the page – (line starts, 'she zeh hu...') For text, click here.

We have been looking at the refinement that is brought about by shem Mah. It brings a revelation of the essence of the sphirot, that are treasured within the source.

The soul descends below for the sake of an ascent. The neshamah/soul is Godly and recognizes elokus/Godliness even before its descent.

The ascent is accomplished by dealing with the animal soul.

By means of this work the soul rises to the level of 'He and His life/vessel are one'.

The animal soul is only able to relate to physicality. By means of refinement, the animal soul becomes incorporated into the Godly soul. It becomse sensitive to the perspective and light of the Godly soul.

The eye sees and the heart desires” and this seems like a natural situation. But when you think into it a new perspective surfaces. A human being came to the world to bring light. Not to be affected by the world. He is not to be a reflection of what is in the world – that is an animal. An animal does not have a sense of reality beyond experience in the world. The human being is an essence. His life comes from the source.

The animal soul of man also does not have its own perception of right and wrong – it is reactive. It responds to its physical environment.

The Godly soul on the other hand has a totally different perspective. It is not a 'thing' in the world. It is not affected by the sights of the world. It sees the reality. Not the reality of world. Only the reality of Godliness. It affects the animal soul to a certain degree, showing it that reality is not worldly, but Godly.

Sechel/mind relates to light. And even the animal soul can relate to this.

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