Wednesday, February 27, 2013

“A Piece of My Mind” p:12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 17 Adar 5773 

Page 12
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We are looking at two types of relationships. Ohr and shefa.

In shefa there is an element of the mentor/mashpia that is given... 'he gives him a piece of himself'. The metaphor for this was the throw of the stone.

Light/ohr is different. It is only a reflection. It is not giving, 'a piece of himself'. Think of the case of the light and the ray of the sun. The ray is different from the light. Ohr/light reaches across an expanse. Ziv/ray is the 'shine'. 'Ziv' does not really have an english translation.

Ziv is used in the meaning of a 'radiant face'. This remains attached to the face/source and does not travel.

Light is an effortless effect of the source. It is automatic. It is due to the nature of the source. It is not due to the source 'attempting to generate light'.

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