Wednesday, February 5, 2014

“Compelling Presence” p:51

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 5 Adar I, 5774 

Page 51

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We are saying, that the light in comparison to the essence is just a reflection.

A reflection/ha-arah is essentially ein – a non presence. Essence is the real thing. A compelling presence. Yesh ha-emitit.

Think of the car and the spirit that created it. It represents the spirit that made it.

The reason you can relate to the 'real thing' (yesh ha-emitit) is because you have a real soul.

A human being is not a living body. He is life in a body. And life is real. Before you apply logic, there is 'a First Being' where everything is sourced. And He is beyond our knowing.

Abraham never asked, 'where does the world come from?' rather he asked, 'what is it all about? Where is the Boss?'

Light does have a relationship to the luminary. But things do not have a relationship to the Essence...

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