Friday, February 14, 2014

“Presence Without Form” p:54

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Page 54

At about a few lines above the middle of page – (line begins: "gum ken...”) For text, click: Here.

There are two worlds – the revealed and the concealed world. The concealed world cannot be revealed externally.

The metaphor for this is the two worlds within the human being – the world of thought and the world of speech.

They are both are driven by the soul itself, which is a primary reality. Yet this primary reality is represented on 3 different levels – 1. the level of soul itself, 2. the way the mind/sechel is perceived in thought, which is already the level of world (there is a structure), and 3. the world of speech which is also giving expression to soul...

Speech has to be in a very structured format so that it will have a meaningful pressence. It is 'from below to above'. This is the revealed world. You can grasp what is being revealed.

In a worldly context there cannot be material without a form. You cannot say nothing... if you make a sound, it has meaning. So how can you have a presence without a form? Because it represents ein/nothing, which has no form... this is material without form... this is the first presence / chomer harishon.

It has no messages. It is just representative of the 'nothingness'. It is telling you that nothingness is a reality at a high level. Don't tell yourself that reality is only something you can grasp with your hands. Reality is beyond your grasp.

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