Tuesday, February 25, 2014

“Two Kings” p:55

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 25 Adar I, 5774 

Page 55

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The principle of bracha/blessing is to reveal that which is already existing on a higher concealed level.

The upper king is binah, and the lower king is malchus.

On the one hand the king is above everything. On the other hand he provides for everything. What does the king do for a country? He's like a figure head. But he provides the full fledged sense of presence for this nation. This provides each individual citizen the value of reaching his full potential.

The individual is enhanced enormously, since true value is assigned to his qualities. What he accomplishes is further substantiated by being part of the king's domain.

Kingship covers these 2 aspects – complete supremacy, and contribution to the nation.

Binah is misunderstood. We think of it as the structured reality. Chochmah tends upwards to the crown. But binah draws its life from chochmah, and applies it here. So binah idenitifies all the things that chochmah provides for. Binah is thus called melech/king.

Malchus is the lower king. Taking from all the sephirot above it. Binah takes directly from chochmah and is called the higher king.

So the 'download' from binah to malchus is call bracha/blessing.

The higher king is 'how he is unto himself'. The lower king is 'how he is revealed to others'.

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