Friday, February 21, 2014

“Land & Sea” p:55

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 21 Adar I, 5774 

Page 55

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We had been looking at sea creatures. The see has fish and other animals... but each creature does not stand on its own. The sea 'holds them up' – they are at one with the sea. The creatures have no sense of independence. This is the principle of the concealed world (alma de hiskasyah).

All that exists in the concealed world also exists in the revealed world (on dry land). The sea creatures are part of their environment. They are not yet independent creatures. They are identifiable entities, but are not yet independent...

On the land / the revealed world the creatures 'stand on their own legs' – the creature still needs food and air, but it has a level of independence, in contrast to the sea creatures.

Having independence is a phenomenal step. There is the orientation of being there because it is there. Self sustaining. The sea creatures have not reached this level.

The land creatures are novel, yet they pre-existed in the sea.

These 2 worlds are briah/concealed and yetsirah/formation/revealed.

Yetsirah/revealed world is not a real 'novelty/hischadshut' since it is preceded by the concealed world.

In the level of malchus things exist in a complete absense of presence (in contrast to the way things exist in the concealed and revealed worlds – as described above).

Malchus provides for everything, because it has a sense of reality. Everyone except the king needs and explanation for what he's doing and why he's there. Kingship/malchus is beyond supporting properties. Kingship is an essential light...

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