Friday, February 28, 2014

Mind & Emotion; Endless Odyssey” p:55 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with  
R' Paltiel Friday 28 Adar I, 5774

Page 55

At lower third of page – (line begins: "ha-haskalah...”) For text, click: Here.

We are talking about chochmah and binah and how they are instrumental in creating midot/emotions.

We have said, making midot is not the creation of something disassociated from its cause. It is not a trained response. An emotion is indeed like a new creation.

Together chochmah and binah are like the parents of the midah/emotion. But principally the emotion is directly from the binah. Chochmah is like the distant source. Binah is the 'close source'.

Chochmah comes in the form of a point – 'the principal truth of it'.

Sechel goes to the truth and the source, even though it is sechel and has a structure... but it is so fine and transparent, it looks for the light...

so the Rebbe is saying the chochmah is a distant source, and binah is the 'hands on' influence. Midot will not yet be created from the nekudat ha-haskalah (the seminal point of understanding).

We don't easily identify the real understanding or the nekudah/point.

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