Friday, June 13, 2014

“Sighted” p: 63 - 64

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 

15 Sivan, 5774

Page 63

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We are pointing out a challenging concept. We are saying that there is an essential effect that is the same thing wherever it is. It does not delegate. It is just there. So when it is revealed and sensed at a higher level it is exactly the same.

And yet there is a difference between different levels.

The inner level of chochmah/wisdom is the very same as the inner element of atik.

We can observe a panorama in an instant because we are privy to its inner reality. We are privy to the truth behind the scene. This is like chochmah/wisdom – we see not what is seen, but what is shown to us – we are part of that reality.

So essential reality is manifest on different levels. It remains exactly the same, but with different presentations.

Halachot give us directions in how to conduct ourselves in this world. They are enclothed in the world – they relate to our worldly setting – being a soul in a body in the world. This is essence reality in a lower level.

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