Thursday, June 26, 2014

“Born Running” p: 65 - 66

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday Night 28 Sivan, 5774 

Page 65

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We talked about speech today. We saw how the voice is related to the heart. It is the force from the heart that produces true speech. The heart is the seat of the emotions. Behind speech are the emotions.

We brought in this 'force of the heart' element to understand kisses. The kiss is the way the full power of the heart can come forth. It is a force that is too much for speech, but it can come out as a kiss.

The vessel is the mouth, but it does not reduce the power from the heart. Unlike the movement of the hand where the power of movement is reduced or modified.

This is like blowing – one who blows – sends force from within... In contrast to just 'letting the air out'... The force behind the blow is the nefesh/soul.

The kisses represent a blow from the heart that is beyond words.

This is accomplished by means of the resolution of tohu...

The Godly element is concealed by the world. When you break through that concealment it is a birur of tohu...

By this, the essence of life and kisses are revealed.

The birur/purification is the revelation of Godly presence – like when you say a bracha/blessing before eating an apple...

And the bracha/blessing is not just to acknowledge that He made the apple. Rather it represents a different dimension. It is representative of the fact that this apple was created specifically for us to eat... going back to the intent of creation in the first place...

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