Monday, June 30, 2014

“Hi, Welcome!” p: 66

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 2 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 66

At about middle of the page – (line begins, “umakor hamalchus...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We said that malchus is above the other sphirot, and when it is revealed it is seen that it is rooted above the other sphirot.

The point is that since there will be full revelation of the essence and all will take its purpose from essence, so we come back to the question of why are the souls yearning for the level of 'kisses'.

The highest faculty in a person is chochmah/wisdom which usually draws from pleasure and will. But when there is a full revelation of the malchus then there is a reversal and malchus is mashpia in chabad.

This is like reflective light (ohr chozer) which elicits the root of sechel.

Yes, malchus is superior to the other sphirot, but in essence it is hidden/helem, and so for this to be revealed it has to join with zaah. This is where the essence can be revealed.

We talk about the centrality of having a home. The home is like the sphirah of malchus. Presence because he is present.

The essence of the home is not the function, but rather the reality itself. Nevertheless you see that the person is established in the home when he furnishes it and defines the various rooms (not when the purchase is first made). This is when the human dignity is revealed. Things have their place, and this convenience is revealing the human dignity. This is the unity of zaah and malchus.

'Kisses' are a reflection from essence, but they have a revelation... a revelation of essence! The kisses bring revelation.

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