Wednesday, June 11, 2014

“Wanting Your Kiss” p: 63

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 13 Sivan, 5774 

Page 63

At 5th line of the second paragraph of the page – (line begins, “yoser...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are looking at the difference between souls and angels. And how each originates... and the difference between lower and higher unions...

Souls are formed from lower, more essential unions. While angels originate from a higher union – that of kisses... a union that is less essential.

Because souls have essence, they are the only ones capable of drawing down essence itself...

And the discourse then asked, 'if the above is true, why then do the souls request kisses of His mouth? Why do they long for this revelation/union?'

So the principle is that the kiss is from a higher level than physicality.

The kisses are present in chochmah and binah and the physicality is from the lower sphirot...

The kisses come from the level of chochmah and binah, that sense purpose (kavanah) which provides a basis for everything else.

Only the intellect can get a sense of the total reality... and only the element of 'intent (kavanah)' initiates the reality... and only chochmah relates to this.

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