Friday, June 27, 2014

“Reality, Not Quality” p: 66

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 28 Sivan, 5774 

Page 66

At 4 lines from the top of the page – (line begins, “ha-bah...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We have been explaining 'kisses'/neshikin. We have said that it brings out an essential element that is not contained in any kind of vessel/keili.

This is like the ohr chozer / reflected light. This is seen where the mind/sechel comes to a dead-end, and the student still has the essential human capacity, which elicits from the teacher a new depth that addresses not the student's sechel/mind, but rather his 'reality'!

And in this way is sensed an infinite faculty.

And it exposes not a quality of Godliness, but the fundamental reality of Godliness.

The kisses are rooted in the level called 'akudim', which alludes to the place that precedes tohu and tikkun... And we have seen the kiss came via the birur of tohu...

This is like drawing from the essential concealment (helem ha atzmi), which is above the level of concealment and revelation...

The essential concealment is beyond 'existing and not existing'. It is essential and 'cannot, not be'.

The human being is comfortable in the world because it belongs to him, and does not depend on what he does. But this is on the side of tohu. On the side of tikkun, there is the element of having an effect on the world, which is where he gets his full actualization... Fulfilling his mission is where it is realized.

The Baal Shem Tov says, 'a man is where his will is – automatically' and being in the world he goes towards his will in a disciplined manner. What enables him to take the steps to get there. He's interested in 'being there'. He draws from a level that is higher than being there and not being there.

This resolution is 'being raised up'.

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