Thursday, June 19, 2014

“The Sage and Backstage Access” p:64 - 65

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 21 Sivan, 5774 

Page 64 - 65

At middle of the page – (line begins, “shemimadrega...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

The principle we are looking at is that sechel/mind, in comparison to emotions is of less substance... but the reflection of mind carries with it an infinitely deeper element than what is seen in emotions which initially seem more substantial...

We looked at the difference between a man's teacher/rav and his father/av. There is more honor to the teacher. The father brought the son into this finite world. The teacher/master connects him to infinity.

In a similar vein it says, 'more beautiful is the conversation/plain talk of the servants of the house fore fathers, than the torah of the children'. How it this possible?

The sons are the Jewish people, children of God, which represents the download of actual essence... and the Torah too is from essence... Yet still we say the servants' plain talk is more pleasant. And the plain talk is only a reflection and not the essence...

The reason is that the fore fathers are representative of chochmah/wisdom and binah/understanding...

so the servants' talk is a reflection of chochmah... as discussed above.

This is similar to how a chocham/sage is preferable to a navi/prophet. The sage is more important – he can give insights and directives that the prophet cannot.

Prophesy is a revelation of essence. He knows not by deduction. He knows directly.

The sage doesn't have that kind of access.

The sage knows the way the thing appears/metziut. The prophet knows how the thing is unto itself/mahus. Yet still we say the sage is more important than the prophet.


Prophesy corresponds to an insight at the level of the sphirot of netzach and hod. This is like the functional element of the emotions.

And the sage has a grasp above this.

The principle is that the reflection of the higher level is more important than the essence of the lower level. The reflection has a certain supremacy...

Thus it is understood the matter of 'kisses' for which the souls of Israel is longing. They want God's kisses. The kisses allude to something superior...

And souls which come from the essential physical union and then receive the kisses there is the joining of both levels, and thus is elevated the physical level also...

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