Wednesday, February 18, 2015

“Heart & Mind” p:6/5

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 6 of pamphlet, Page 5 in the book (line begins: 'memayleh...') For text see below.

At the outset we talked about ratzon/will and said that it is a surrounding faculty. And to better understand that we went on to describe the internal faculties and how they function within the vessel, rather than empowering and directing from a different level.

So in a sense the vessel appreciates the inner faculty (koach pnimi) that enlivens it. The hand can appreciate the fine movements that the mind directs it to make in creating artwork...

Will/ratzon is a surrounding faculty and leads from above. It dictates to the faculties.

Ratzon speaks from a different level than experience and enjoyment. It pushes all faculties beyond their complacency and gets them to act.

The mind softens and refines the heart. The reason it can do this is because the heart receives vitality from the mind, and thereby the mind rules.

In a healthy individual the heart's desires have a validity on the level of significance.

This is because the heart is a vessel for the mind. The heart appreciates the sense that is in the mind...

The heart and mind speak in different languages. The mind speaks of what is right. The heart talks about what it likes. There is a commonality between them in that what is right becomes pleasant...

The heart is much lower than the mind, but on an inner level there is recognition of the mind in the heart.

The mind directs the heart in an 'ohr pnimi' (inner light) level. This means they relate to each other. The mind doesn't rule by superimposition.

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