Thursday, February 12, 2015

“Soul View” p:5-6/4

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 

Page 5 and 6 of pamphlet, Page 4 in the book (line begins: 'umnum...') For text see below.

We are looking at how the soul is dressed in the body. The amazing thing is that the sechel of the soul is dressed in the physical brain/moach. One can say, the moach/brain understands and senses things of sechel...!

Sechel/mind brings a veiw of the world that is a soul view, in contrast to how the body sees.

Only Godliness is real to the soul...

We know that sight is the most convincing sense of what we know of the world. You may think, 'I see it, but I didn't touch it, so I'm projecting...' The reason sight brings a sense of reality is based on a soul principle; namely that all begins from the First Being.

And the knowledge of the First Being is what makes sight real...!

The physicality of the brain recognizes the truth of being...

Man's spirit holds him up, and he happens to stand on the ground. Man relates to an intangible reality. He looks to infinity.

And this physical experience of standing in the world, tells us of the Godly truth – pointing to the First Being.

Our ability to relate to this is that we also have an element of 'First' – that we can stand up without holding on.

From physicality we understand Godliness. We identify the super-spirit... and relate to Godliness.

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