Friday, April 17, 2015

“King's Way” p:12 / 9

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 12 of pamphlet – (at about 10th line from top of page. Line begins: 'she-bah...'). Page 9 of the book. For text see below.

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We are saying sechel/mind is dressed into the faculties that are below it.

If we use the faculty of movement to draw a picture, the picture is not understood by the faculty of movement – this remains sechel vision. The sense of movement is responding to the sense of the the sechel/mind.

Malchus/kingship is in its own category. It deals with external expression. I the human structure this refers to the 'foot'. The foot does not participate in where it is going, yet there is also sechel in the foot...!

Malchus/kingship is elusive. Like chochmah/wisdom sees the whole panorama in a glance... so too this element is seen in malchus.

Malchus is called the 'lower chochmah' since it is operating on a lower level...

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