Friday, April 24, 2015

“In Himself” p:12-13 / 9-10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 12 of pamphlet – (towards end of the page. Line begins: 'vezehu...'). Page 9 of the book. For text see below.

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At the start of class Naftali asked a question about the section just before the summary on page 12. He said it sounds like the explanation is circular.

Chochmah/wisdom relates to pure truth, yet it is capable of interfacing with physicality and seeing the true presence... the eye is a vessel of the faculty of sight. And the faculty of sight becomes like the essence of the eye.

Above we say the faculties are affected by being in their vessels/receptacles. By means of being in vessels, the higher light is able to create worlds...

Godly light is not a novelty – it is the primary reality. It is fundamental.

And when we say it creates from 'nothing to something', this means that creation sensed a moment where it is not and a moment when it yes exists. And in the Godly light there is no binary factor of 'yes and no', but in the vessels there is this sense of 'no and yes'...

Sight is such a bright and total reality. And yet in sight it can relate to physicality. You can see and not see. You have a perspective and you can close your eyes. It is effortless, but it is an active faculty.

And this is how things get a physical presence, because the spiritual level is beyond 'yes and no'.

The light reflects the luminary.

The human being relates to the entire reality.

Something from nothing is exlusively in the purview of Essence. He makes 100% novelty, without any prior basis.

Essence/atzmus is not at all being dependent on something existing prior to His creation of something.

Only He is capable of this. His existence has no other source than Himself.

Therefore creation is from Him and it manifests itself by the light of essence, since light is from the luminary. So creation is by means of the light and not a keili/vessel.

From the light alone, existence cannot come to be. It needs to be settled in a vessel...

Artwork by Daniel Wolfe

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