Sunday, April 26, 2015

“Water Purpose; Water Pleasure” p:12-13 / 9-10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 12 of pamphlet – (towards end of the page. Line begins: 'vezehu...'). Page 9 of the book. For text see below.

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Lights and vessels form a perfect union. They are not 2 unrelated things just somehow pushed together. They find a commonality and the light is dressed in the vessel.

The deeper reason for the union is not just the commonality, but due to the nature of the lights. They inherently have a mission, and they want to come to the place where they can fulfull their mission – they are ohrot pnimi'im – innner lights.

The lights are interested to relate to the vessel.

Think of water in a cup. Water in a lake is just there, without an identified function.

When you put water into a cup, from which a man can drink, then the water has come into a different world...

Water has the mission of slaking a man's thirst in a human manner, and this is revealed in the water by the vessel.

The lake has to be a lake, and the man has to be human and there has to be a bridge – the cup/vessel is that bridge...

A human can eat in such a way that he can lose his stature... If he's “grabbing a bite” he is focused on the food and is loosing self respect... God created food and water in such a way that it should serve the human being and thus the water comes in a cup and is served to the human being in an honorable manner.

The creation is Godly and things only exist in the presence of their Source. There is no such thing as existence in the absence of Him. The Godly presence is concealed and hidden and it comes through in a functional limited manner, to the extent that it can be contained in a keli/vessel... and the vessel is a representative of this light... it does not break away... it is the same light...

Essence/etzem is very illusive in our world... we think in terms of cause and effect, but things have an essence. Think of your host for dinner – it's his presence, not what he serves that matters...!

God could have created the world in an instant, yet he took 7 days in order to put vessels in place so that we can relate to and experience creation. He wants us to be partners with Him. This is why he made the world in this way. “Partner up with Me!” he says. 

See below audio of today's shiur (video above), with discussion after the class:

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