Thursday, April 23, 2015

“360 Degree View” p:12/9

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 12 of pamphlet – (towards end of main paragraph. Line begins: le-ohr zeh...'). Page 9 of the book. For text see below.

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a vessel/keili is not independent of what it contains. The vessel is made to hold the light. This is like a cup and water. The cup is made to serve and disseminate water, and here in the cup the water finds its fullest expression.

The vessel of mind exists so that the soul will be experienced at the sechel/conscious level...

And the vessel of emotions, are also well suited to what they contain... and the level of sechel/mind they contain is not the essence... they receive the external reflection of the sechel...

If there is the light of mind/sechel, what is added by having a vessel/kli? What do you need a vessel for? So think of sight – think of these 2 phenomena, 1. sight is like wisdom, but unless it is dressed up in the eye, wisdom cannot see the physical world... and 2. sight is phenomenal, and from the perspective of ohr of sight, there is no limit, I can see behind me... but to be in a physical world you have to see a limited amount, a limited perspective...

So the function of the vessel is to bring the light to a different world so you can function in that world, while it remains ohr... This is light in a world. The world is seen to be real. Sight/chochma provides this perspective of reality – Godly reality.

The world is real due to its Godly element.

There is nothing more convincing than sight. Why not touch? If I see a table, the sight gives me the reality and the memory of it. If I hit my hand on it I have only personal experience or proof, but if I see it, I and the object are one...

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