Thursday, July 13, 2017

“Soul Quality” p80

Both the head and the heart bear witness to the soulful quality of life, yet their faculties are not the same.”

“Soul Quality” p80

Tammuz 5777

P 80 [of the new pamphlet] top line of the page - line starting “ku…”  [P 59 of the book]

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The foot is lowest in terms of light.  In the body there is more light of the reality of the soul - the emotions reside in the heart.  

The faculty of movement in the hand has more soul quality than the faculty of walking which is imbued in the foot. 

The hand writes, not due to its training, but due to its ability to appreciate fine movements.  So too regarding painting or playing a musical instrument - the hand appreciates what it is doing.

The mind/sechel is vested in the hand.  The hand associates with, and appreciates what it is doing.  

The hand is sensitive to the intangible aspect.  The screwdriver, by contrast does not even sense the tangible aspect.

The light of the mind/sechel is dressed in the hand. 

The head by contrast is the place of greater shine from the soul… 

Both the head and the heart bear witness to the soulful quality of life, yet their faculties are not the same.  In the head is vitality of the soul to such an extent that there is real mind/intellect and higher talents/sensibilities [chushim] such as sight and hearing…

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