Sunday, July 30, 2017

“Near & Far” p82

“There’s the influence of both - both the lights and the vessels - in the revelation of the elements of 'up and down'”

“Near & Far” p82

Menachem Av 5777

P 82 [of the new pamphlet] near midpoint of the page - line starting “m’ak…”  [P 60 of the book]

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In wisdom the infinity is close.  From the level of bimah the level of infinity [ohr ein sof] is further away - it is there, but only at the level of comprehension. 

The line/kav creates the element of measure… and definition… 

The measure of ‘up and down’ is initiated in the light and not in the vessels [our first thought was that it occurs on the level of vessels]. 

The ten sphirot have the element of up and down, whether in the element of lights or vessels….

There’s the influence of both - both the lights and the vessels - in the revelation of the elements of 'up and down'

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