Thursday, July 27, 2017

“Along The Line” p82

“Ohr ein sof - infinite light is beyond our understanding.  It is a light that represents a principle truth.  It is not based on any parameters.”

“Along The Line” p82

Menachem Av 5777

P 82 [of the new pamphlet] at 7th line from top of the page - line starting “mayla…”  [P 60 of the book]

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Those that receive light from nearer to the source of the kav/line have additional closeness. 

Ohr ein sof - infinite light is beyond our understanding.  It is a light that represents a principle truth.  It is not based on any parameters.

It brings the principle of essence with it.  The kav/line is a formulation from it… and further along the line, the less strength of representation.

Those worlds that get inspiration from ‘upstream’ are higher.  

What’s the meaning of ‘higher’?  Picture a guy on the ground and another on top of a tower.  The one on the ground identifies the route based on street names etc.  The guy on top of the Empire State Building relates point A and B directly.  He sees it from a higher perspective.

Ohr ein sof is beyond ‘getting the big picture’.  

In the levels of chochmah [wisdom] and kesser [crown] the infinite light shines in a ‘close-up’ manner.  In bimah [understanding] the light shines in a more distant manner. 

Binah deals with ‘putting things in perspective’ even though there’s still the element of infinity.

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