Wednesday, July 19, 2017

“Relate To Source” p80

“Sechel/mind is way above the level of thought… and definition.  It is an emanation from the soul.  On a lower level it becomes thought and speech.”

“Relate To Source” p80

Tammuz 5777

P 80 [of the new pamphlet] at the lower quarter of the page - line starting “sham be-gilui…”  [P 60 of the book]

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World by definition is defined and the light is reduced to allow it to surface. 

There are 3 worlds in this process… briah is the highest world - it still has the light of the impact of essence.

It is the first creation… Everything that exists relates back to its source, since nothing exists on its own.

And there’s a difference if the source you relate to is something finite, or the infinite Source.

Briah is a world that relates back to the Godly nothing… this provides a great inspiration, which is like darkness to the worlds below it.

Briah and yetzirah correspond to thought and speech. 

Sechel/mind is way above the level of thought… and definition.  It is an emanation from the soul.  On a lower level it becomes thought and speech - they are creations of the soul in a worldly environment…

Thought becomes speech and enters the realm of time and space - an environment of many vessels. 

The letters of thought are spiritual.  They are not sensed on the outside. 

The world of yetzirah tends towards an increase of vessels/keilim.  

Isiah and Ezekiel spoke of the same thing - the Divine Chariot.  But Ezekiel elaborates at great length… that’s because he saw it in the world of yetzirah [Isiah by contrast saw it in the world of briah]. 

Regarding light, it is the opposite - there is greater light in briah, where there is a scarcity of vessels.  

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