Wednesday, November 29, 2017

“Beyond Nomenclature” p96

“There are certain things you know ‘cos you see them, not because you grasp and understand them...“

“Beyond Nomenclature” p96

Kislev 5778

P 96 (of the pamphlet) at middle of the page - line starting “uchenodah”  [P 72 of the book]

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Sight relates to the reality of what we see.

It looks for the spirit of a thing - what it stands for, in contrast to ‘how it works’.

This is a Godly spirit.  

Man approximates divinity.  There is nothing inadvertent about him.

Yes, in the world things have a structure and sequence, but they don’t lose their connection to infinity.

There are certain things you know ‘cos you see them, not because you grasp and understand them… 

Notes from Michoel P:

Map of 11 Kislev shiur

Reality of what you see.
Don’t begin even to ask how does it accomplish what it doing. 

Ex: Table. It Must stand! See what it represents by inception & design. 

Function ability is due to the spirit that was imbued in it. 

Where do these questions come from? Klipa!
If we would be aware, constantly, with full clarity and personal orientation that the world is a Divine Creation, the functional questions would just not exist. “It” represents the divine creation. It has a spirit to stand! (the table) 

Must be constructed physically.
But what inspires this structure?
What gave the human being hte idea that he shoud take a board, put a few legs to it and it should stand? 

The idea behind all the structures, all the buildings, is based upon the posuk “Pru u’revu, milui es haaretz, v’kibshua”. Be fruitful and multiply, fill the world, and conquer it!

The Divine spirit of the human must permeate the entire creation!
Anything that is supportive of the human purpose in the world, can and should be here! 

Ex: Empire State Building. Phemonenal! how could humans even imagine/project such a thing? 
Was built brick by brick. Natural beams. That’s how it stands. 
THe concept of building an empire state building was NOT born out of seeing a bunch of bricks one upon the other and saying ‘Ah! Lets build an empire state building”
It was conceptualized from a human spirit perspective.

Bricks - means to an end.
THe end - already perceived before. 

When we see the empire state building, we don’t ask How does it stand?!
We ask, how was it conceived?

We see The audaccty of the human spirit, rather than the ability of bricks lying upon each other. 

Similarly when we see a table, we do not ask: what makes it stand?
It is a human table, it has a human spirit, it has to stand. 

This is what we relate to with sight. 
In sight you see the real thing
Real thing of a table is not that it has 4 legs, but that it is a concept representative a human spirit, part of the effort of humanizing the world. This is Chochmah.

Chochmah is where we perceive and recognize the truth of a certain thing or thought, which does NOT have to be substantiated! Rather, it says ‘Of course, that is the way it should be!”.
Why? B/c it was created by the Divine spirit. G-d put that spirit into the human being, and told him: you own the world. Transform it and raise it to that level. 
^Command given to adam on the day of creation!
“Nase adam b’tzalmenu kadmoseinu” Make man in “Our” Image.” 
Made to Approximate (relate to, represent) Divinity! 

Human thought has been perverted and diminished to compare a human to a monkey! There is NO similarity! Torah; Animals were created, Vegetation created, etc. Human - created by Hashem’s own hands! Every detail was meant to approximate Divinity THere is nothing there that is inadvertant. He was preconceived, designed, to fulfill the concept that he is meant to be

Chochmah, just like in sight you immediately observe and relate to the fundamental truth of an object (and not how does it physically work/fit in the world), immediately see the spirit of what the table represents, rather than the structure. 

In spiritual koichois hanefesh, intelligence, midos, part of a living nefesh! Not evolved by experience. Rather, they were given to him by the Creator of the nefesh! Then, it comes down to a lower structured level so that it has a place in the world. But even in the world, it doesn’t lose its implication! 
Ex: 1st day of creation - there was light. “Let there be light”. There was no question: how can there be light? Hashem said, and it was created. 
But Hashem still wants that light should have a worldly context. So on the 4th day, Hashem created the luminaries and hid the phenomenon of daylight  into the luminary, so that it can be traced back in a worldly manner. Nonetheless, day is a Divine concept! World, by itself, would never conceptualize “Day”. 

Day is not just a lot of light. It is a creation in and of itself!
Torah: Adam was given the task of naming all the creatures. He named them correctly! Only given task to name nefesh, chaya. But not, day and night. Or land and high seas. Hashem Himself named them. Why?
They are beyond his capacity to name. 
We “know” them because we see them, not because we understand and grasp their presence.
This is called Chochmah. Provides a substantial reality behind everything that exists in the world. 

Having this Chochmah, one can then begin deciphering: How does a table in fact stand? Breaks it down into components. 
!!! Yes, but don’t get fooled and lose sight of the chochmah behind it! Otherwise, it will lose meaning and understanding.

After it ooes down into the “Sichli”, it loses sight of its meaning. Must reintroduce the initial Chochmah, Hanohos hanefesh, “Here’s the spirit that created it”. 

Hanoho b’nefesh is similar to Chochmah. I’m not asking - “how does it work”. It is that which the nefesh tells me it is. 

Inside text: “And is known in the inyon of sight of Chochmah (used as a moshul to understand Hanohos hanefesh) (sight of chochma is superior to seichel. Immediately see its spirit. Ex: A Table can physically stand in the street. But we all know it doesn’t belong there, it belongs in a home1 After its put together, it cannot lose the spirit with which it was built, and it has to be where it belongs! ) .

Beying it he place tat it belongs - that’s what makes it stand!
A table cannot break! Only its physically structure can break. Breaks? Fix it! Because the home must have a table! But the reality of the table never breaks. 

Back in text: That shines in it the Etsem essential inyon that is above grasp entirely. Nevertheless, behold this increases the ability of comprehension. 

Helps enormously to get an insight into the whole phenomenon. 

Back in text: that it should bring about an increase beyond limit of conceptualization. (opens up the flood gates in the intellect. Even though it itself is beyond understanding!). And as it says in Pri Eitz Hayim of the Arizal, that he had a nap on Shabbas, and saw a dream with the Would need to speak 80 years to relate that which he saw in that momentary dream. In truth, also in this time (80 years) he also wouldn’t be able to reveal that which he saw in parshah balak and parshas bilam that which needs 80 years to give over!. Because the sight is directly relating to the essential reality itself, mahos, that cannot be brought out in hasogo grasp altogether. 

Principle: Everything is created. Has a divine element behind it that is impossible to understand.
Ex: No way to express why G-d created the world. 
This is the seeing of Chochmah.

Notes from Moshe S:

ראיה שבחכמה היינו ראית עצם הענין. כל בריה ובריאה נברא מאין שבו הוסתר רוח וכוונה אלוקי שרק להאדם ניתן מתנה אלקית שירגיש א"ז ע"י עין החכמה.

כשרואים דבר גשמי יש צורך בסיסי לשואל איך היא בנוי וכל מיני שאלות צדדיים אבל השאלה הכי בסיסי מהו תפקידו לא ישאל השואל. ולמה? דנפש האדם מתקשר עם התפקיד ממילא ולמשל מהשלחן שישאל בנוגע הפרטים אבל על תפקיד השלחן ותשמישו לא ישאל שלזה יש הכרה והרגשה בדרך ממילא. וכן הוא כשרואין בנין נפלא או ציור נפלא השאלה וההתפעלות המתעוררות היא מאיך בא כוח להאדם להמציא בנין כה נפלא. שמזה רואין הקשר האוטומטי בנפש האדם שע"י ראיית הפלאת הבנין מתקשר האדם ממילא אל צורת הבנין, החיות שבבנין ולא לפרטיו. 

וזה בא מהכתוב פרו ורבו.... וכבשוה, שהקב"ה תיכנן השתיל בנפש האדם הכח לכבוש העולם ובנפש האדם יש כוח על אנושי כוח אלקי לכבוש את העולם ולעשותו רוחני. ומהנפש עובר לכוחתיו שע"י כוח החכמה הוא מרגיש ורואה החלק שבבריאה שמוכרח להיות כן מצד היותו בריאה אלקית.

ובזה מובדל האדם משאר הבריאה שהיה יציר כפיו של הקב"ה ורק על האדם נאמר נעשה אדם בצלמינו כדמותינו שיש לו הכוח להתחבר לנקודה האלקית שיש בהבריאה להכירו ולראותו.

ובזה מובדל ראיה דחכמה מההנחה בנפש שההנחה בא ממה שהנפש מעבירה להשכלי הרגשתה ולמרות שגם ההנחה הוא מתנת אלוקי אבל מ"מ הוא מונח בהאדם באשר הוא. והאדם מתרגם את זה ע"י ההנחה לשכלי באמצעות כוח החכמה ומשם מורידה עוד יותר ומתהווה נקודת החכמה.

אבל ראיה דחכמה הוא מה שהנפש מרגיש ומכיר עד שרואה את האמת האלוקי כפי שהוא נמצא בכל הבריאה מכוח האין שבהבריאה שזהו מעל שכל אנושי. 

ולמשל משולחן המונח ברחוב שהשלחן שלם ואינו חסר כלום, אבל מיד שיראה את השלחן באמצע הרחוב מרגיש ומכיר שאינו ממלא תפקידו לאמיתתו וזהו ענין ראיה שבחכמה שמכיר ויודע מיד.

"וכנודע בענין ראיה דחכמה שמאיר בזה עצם הענין שלמעלה מהשגה לגמרי"

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