“Wherever you go, you are in the place the Creator has prepared for you to occupy.“
“You Never Walk Alone” p96
Kislev 5778
P 96 (of the pamphlet) 5th of the page - line starting “hu” [P 72 of the book]
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Understanding/binah is outside the essence, yet it carries an essential element.
Even world-based entities are Godly creations.
There’s nothing in the world that does not contain a truth…
Notes from Moshe S:
שיעור ו כסלו
ענין הנחה שכלית בהרחבת הביאור
כשלומדים עם תינוק קמץ אלף א. ואומרים לו שזהו בגלל שאנוכי ה' אלקיך... הוא האמת מצד הבריאה והבורא.
ועד כ"כ הטביע ה' בהבריאה בל"ג שילובים וצירופים להרכיב חומרים עד שלכן נראה לעין הנברא שזהו מצד מהות החומר. ובאמת שאפי' כשמחברים שני דפי עץ ע"י מברג זהו בגלל שבעצם מהותם שוכן כוונת הבורא שהתקינם באופן ששימושם יהיה כך נמצא שהבל"ג דרכים להרכיב דברים גשמיים זהו התבטאות של הבל"ג של הבורא שהטביע בהחומר . בגלל שהאמת שרצה הבורא להטביע בבריאתו הוא כן.
ובנמשל הרי א"א לחיות בהשגה זו מצד ההעלם שנטבע בהעולם מ"מ ההנחה שבנפש מרגיש זה אבל מרגיש א"ז ב"שכלי" היינו בהבנה בכח הבינה משיג רק חיציוניתו
ועפי"ז יובן למה מתאר הרבי שההנחה הוא בנפש לכאורה הרי הוא שכלי וא"כ מקומו בבינה וביותר יש להבין ששכלי והשגה תלוי בתפיסה שמזה מובן שפעם לא תפס את הענין משא"כ הנפש שענינו חיים הוא המשכי וא"א ליחס אליו תפיסה שפעם לא היה לו ההנחה
וזהו הנחה בנפש שמצ"א הוא מציאות שכלי וגשמי שכל הנברא. מ"מ מצד שני הוא בדרך הנחה.. שהנשמה מרגיש את הענין מצד אמת השייכת להבורא ולכן הוא מקדים את השכלי והוא כמונח תמיד
ובדוגמא להמחלה אוטיזם שהעיקר שחסר אצלם הוא הקשר מהנפש להשכל שמזה יש ללמוד עוצם כוח פעולת הנפש על השכל שמעצם הנפש בא להאדם שכל אמיתי..ההנחה שבנפש
Notes from Shlomo B:
1) שכלי
Is a process of בינה
2) which means outside of the essence of the שכל
3) it's an elaboration of the חכמה
4) and yet there is an essential reality in that
5) even the שכלי the understanding the awareness is only the חיצוניות
6) but the content in this חיצניות what you are relating to what you recognize is an עצם
7) שכל
Seems to be that its Human'le created it makes sense to me
8) To be clear that is an inherit truth an עצמי
9) the unlimited possibilities is there not because there is nothing it's because the divine presence which is unlimited
10) the שכלי has an עצם elements but you have to have חכמה to recognize it
11) and this is called הנחה בנפש you cannot have that in השגה it's beyond comprehension its the נפש tells you that that's true
12) and this הנחה is not on a higher means of observation like ראיה no this הנחה is a שכלי your שכל tells you that that is true
13) your שכל tells you that you are never walking in a vacuum you are always walking in the divine presence
14) and all the Unlimited possibilities are there because it was provided by this divine presence its a שכל thing
15) this is transformative concept it changes the whole perspective
16) the שכלי element that we actually understand this is called the חיצוניות of the truth
17) the real thing cannot be מושג because it's an essence, essence can not be מושג
18) the fact that we are משיג is the חיצוניות
19) means that I can say this is true there is something there
20) where that something came from what that is I don't know but there is something there that's חיצוניות
21) the fact that we sense that this is absolutely real is בדרך הנחה which means it's not that it came as a result of שכל of a process but this is inherent in our נפש
הנחה בנפש
22) נפש
Is life
23) השגה
Represents something that we grasp and since we grasp means there's a moment when it's there and there's a moment when it's not there
24) but life doesn't tolerate interruption it's an absolute constant
25) life was provided which means there is a beginning and so forth on the other hand life's experience is a constant it's a fundamental reality
26) due to this fundamental reality there is a הנחה בנפש the נפש knows the truth because it knows the truth and it cannot relate but the truth
27) this הנחה בנפש has a phenomenal effect on the human life on the שכל of the human being
28) this is what gives the human being the sense that he is in the reality הנחה בנפש
29) even he's functioning on the שכלי level this שכלי is real
30) I know it which means that I acquired it despite that it's
הנחה בנפש
it's actually come from the truth of the נפש itself
31) and the השגה the conscious knowledge is the חיצניות
32) בדרך הנחה
Which means not by acquiring it but it's there by pre conceived reality
33) why does it feels good because it fits well with his
הנחה בנפש
he is at home
34) when he goes further he wants to bring it down בהשגה in conscience comprehension
35) now it doesn't fit so how if it was so clear and on the conscious level he can't find it
36) when the הנחה בנפש talking it is the נשמה talking to not the שכל and this הנחה is now concealed
37) how come it became concealed
38) beacuse it was in a preconceived element of שכל
39) it was settled in in his שכל not by introducing it but מצד the נפש that this is how it must be
40) so this understanding was not completely שכל it was but a preconceived שכל the שכל was beacuse of the truth of the נפש not of the שכל process
41) הנחה שכלית
That which was put into his mind before he even begin to elaborate
42) a table has unlimited ways each one of these possibilities has a root in the שכל הנפש it's real in of itself because each one of these possibilities is a Divine creation
43) Its there not because there's nothing obstructing it it is there because it is there by the virtue of its own truth
44) were does it get its own truth it's a Divine creation
45) every possibility and every sound that a person can create was put in in his נפש by his creator
46) הנחה שכלית. הנחה
Means that it was preconceived and
Means it has to be acquired ?
47) the answer is it is a שכל which he has on his נפש on שכל level
48) normally when a person speaks there's a depth behind it was not created on that moment
49) can happen that a person is speaking but he is not connecting to his הנחה בנפש
50) normally it's a שכלי but he finds a place in his נפש it makes sense to him he finds it in his נפש and this is were he gets his חיות from
51) Much of our שכל understanding is really preconceived if we doubt that preconceived knowledge which comes from the הנחה בנפש we going to create trouble for ourselves
52) we must never doubt that which comes Directly from the נפש yes we have to elaborate and understand but not to say that is not real knowledge that's gold
53) to say that real knowledge is what we learn from outside that's a very big mistake
54) that which comes to you as natural is real its gold then you have to further standard it
55) so when the הנחה שכלית is obstructed because he attempted to put it in conscious knowledge
56) then he loses the clarity of the עצם and only the חיצוניות the conscious awareness of the שכל is what he is aware of and only the שכלי
57) and שכלי alone does not give piece of mind
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