Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The handmaiden at the sea

Aeter with R' Paltiel 8/19/09 Wednesday 29 Menachem Av 5769 Pay Zayin

“the handmaidens saw the same vision as the prophets (some say they saw more)”

Page pay zayin – second line from top of the page (after the parentheses).

Even within the revelation of ohrot atzmium there are two levels.

Ohrot in malchus (7th day of Pesach) is one level, and the second level was at matan torah; the ohrot in their pure state (not in malchus) were revealed.

Moshe told the people - “Hashem will take care of you and you should be quiet” - this can mean don't request or do anything since it is a time of pure arousal from above.

Before chatzot it is enclothed in the mitzvah and the levush gover – it is a real levush and safeguarding is still needed, since there can be an achizah for klippah, while it is ohr and not etzem.

Reshus is that period when it is purely from above, and it has no levush and there is not possibility of klippah getting a handle on it. The sixth day has the gilui of rommemus atzmi of malchus, while the 7th day is the revelation of the ohrot atzmium that were contained in malchus (that which caused the rommemus).

Mitzvahs come from sovev which is an ohr/ratzon, and ohr is able to be usurped by klippah. The gilui at matan torah was etzem, but the way the mitzvah translates itself into our world allows for the achizah of klippah.


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