Monday, August 24, 2009

An import of essence

Aeter with R' Paltiel 8/23/09 Sunday 3 Elul 5769 Ein Tet

Page Ein Tet.

Pesach – to get free from there – there had to be a gilui at the level of dilug.

It had to be a revelation of essence/etzem.

We have a principle of the baal shem tov that regarding essence if you “have hold of part – you have it all”

Gilui shchinah is the malchus of ein sof that is beyond and higher than the aspect of the kav. Kav is a line – a line extends over distnce and consists of many points – each point comes in succession to the previous point. This means they are not of equal standing. The kav refers to the light that was measured by the tzimzum.

Here is a metaphor for tzimzum: In the treasure house there is an abundance of supplies and the owner want to distribute the resources. He can do it in two ways. One he can remove the walls of the house or secondly he can open up a window for all to come and get given. In the first case the giving is not aimed – need is not taken into account. At the window it is given when it is needed – the giving relates to the need.

The principle of wold is that there is an order – there is a need and a supply to the need. An infinite supply is by definition not worldly. The kav is the line of revelation of light that is measured according to the needs of the world.

3rd line of 2nd paragraph page ein tet.

Kav is a line that is measured and it comes in an organized manner.

Malchus has a unique quality – it is one of the 10 sphirot – on the other hand it is described by saying it does not have anything of its own. It is a recipient of all the influence from the other sphirot. In terms of malchus coming down there are also both these aspect – it is a sphira and can relate to the world, but how does it come down? It comes in full glory, in an all encompassing manner. Thus how do you relate to a king? Not through his qualities, but to him himself.

This gives malchus a level/aspect of being above world. This is the way the king relates to the people, by romemus/exalted.

We said malchus includes in itself all the sphirot that preceded it. This means that atzilus can be known outside of atzilus. A summary demarcates a whole theory – it solidifies and makes transferable the whole material. This is also called malchus. This is the bringing of atzmus.


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