Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Even though it comes from above, a preparation is needed for it.

Aeter with R' Paltiel 8/11/09 Tuesday 21 Menachem Av 5769 Pay Hay

Page pay hay – about 12 lines from the top starts ve hadugmah mizeh.

We are discussing yirah ilah and yirah tataa. Yirah tata is the state of preparing to see the king – he doesn't see the king and he's not in the king's presence. As he enters the kings chambers then he is affected by the king's presence and he has bitul be metziut.

In our mashal – we need to understand that the level of yirah in preparation is not, “what will happen when I enter the chambers” - he's affected by the reality of the king – an appreciation of the king and awe of him.

By the preparation he will come to have gilui and moreh gadol. Without this preparation it will go over his head or it will nullify him. The preparation allows him to be affected by it, while standing on his feet.

Bitul is affected by the yirah/awesomeness. That awe is by his hisbonenus, which is focused directly on the greatness of the king himself. An intelligent human being relates to that which he knows only through his intelligence and his neshama quality is struck by the greatness.

When he is prepared for the encounter it allows him to appreciate it, otherwise it will go over his head. At the meeting the appreciation is greater than that which he gains by hisbonenus.

Compared to a minister, a king rules/decress without reference books. This is a different way of dealing with reality. You realize then without hisbonenus that your whole approach to life is null and void – this you can have only in the presence of the king.

On the other hand someone who is unaware/uninitiated will see the same thing and say “hey, this guy is arbitary/willful”.

You can miss the experience/opportunity of being in the presence of the king if you are trying to work out what is happening.

The important thing is to understand that yira ilah, even though it comes from above, a preparation is needed for it.

What is the keili for this? It is the bitul. The yirah tata opens up in him the ability to receive things that are beyond his sechel.

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