Friday, August 28, 2009

The king is a presence, without the constraints of presence

Aeter with R' Paltiel 8/28/09 Friday 8 Elul 5769 Page: Pay

Page Pay – 5 lines from the top.

The connection between the people and the king can be seen as having 2 stages. At first he is meromum over the people and through this the essence of the king is bestowed upon them – till all there is, is the king.

At a simcha you have all the details and settings. When you look at it from another , higher perspective it is seen to be a gilui of ein sof. Then all the details still exist, but the focus is different. When you talk of ein sof the meal is totally lost in the purpose. Purpose of the meal is to bring the ein sof into the world.

We can understand an aspect of malchus of atzilus - it is known that atzilus is completely removed from biya – no compare. But malchus (conglomeration and ingathering) of atzilus is the aspect of hisnaasus al am. He recognizes and makes a statement – the statement is of the superiority.

Malchus takes stock - “I exist” - this is a briah inyan – the king unto himself is not involved in this level, but when he reflects he has a presence then he sees himself and he sees the people. They have the commonality in that they are both a presence in the world. When chassidus gives a mashal of desire we use a king - “a king has a desire to build a palace...”

When the king wants/desires something he doesn't consider cost – and the people support this desire to the utmost. The king is a presence, without the constraints of presence.


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