Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sweetening the judgements

Aeter with R' Paltiel 8/13/09 Thursday 23 Menachem Av 5769 Pay Hay

Page pay hay – about 10 lines from the bottom. Line starts “lekutei torah”.

First power of torah was given at matan torah – He held the mountain over them – this alludes to how it is coming from a source beyond solicitation.

Before matan torah there was not yet this level of hamshacha. At the time of exodus there was the mitzvah to eat matzah, but it was more in the category of chovah rather than mitzvah. These are two different categories. Mitzvah is a command.

Zohar says chovah is feminine and mitzvah is masculine.

The chovah is in the level of feminine/nukvah. Mitzvah is masculine – it is a command and has 2 levels – there is the obligation to fulfill, but there is also the command that is connected to the commander. Chovah is an obligation that does not imply a connection between the recipient and the giver.

Mitzvah – although a command for you to do – in mitzvah the command does not become separate to the giver. In contrast, with a chovah he would go home and say, “what did he tell me to do?”

Mitzvah is like kabalos ol malchus shamaim. You take on the ol of shamayim.
In nukvah there is a need for hamtakahs hadinim – sweetening the decrees. There is a king and the king has ministers. The ministers follow the rules of the land and if one goes to a minister for adjudication he looks up the decree in a book – he looks at it from a din level. It becomes difficult and harsh if you work from this level. Some spirit is needed to be brought in.

The masculine/masculine is connected to the source and the dinim are not so emphasised, on the side of nukvah an inspiration and sweetening is needed.
The phenomenon of eating matzah in mitzraim was chovah and not mitzvah. It was a preparation for the level of yirah tata. Also a commander was involved – this represents ohr abba – the masculine quality – an aspect of chovah that sweetens the dinim – not a real connection to the source.

Mitzvah has also a deeper meaning of “connection” - a joining of the commander and the commanded. By means of this connection the commander is actually present.

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