Thursday, February 17, 2011

Infinity, world and reality p: 40

Chabad Biking Store, Cown Heights
AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:40 2/17/2011 Wednesday 13 AdarAleph 5771

Page 40 – 4 lines from the end of the page (line starts “vehu...”).

Bli gvul / infinity is an essential quality, not that something takes up a lot of space. A huge ocean, is reduced by a drop when you remove a drop, so it is not really infinite. The concept of atzmi exists only because we have a created world with the Creator infusing the world with Himself. He is infinite. We don't have a means of grasping it in our sechel – sechel works with definitions, time and place. Like a table can only be grasped from it's edges, so too sechel can only grasp things for which it can find an edge.

Reality has an element of infinity since it is a reflection of G-dliness.

The sun serves as an illustration. It is finite and physical, yet it has an infinite quality in that it is a luminary – it gives light and is not diminished – it is a continuous miracle. The sunlight we enjoy comes from the sun, but represents too, light that is independent of the sun. The light of the sun is pure light – not the result of something burning. Of course the sun has a physical structure, but that is a vessel/channel by which He gives light.

We have day and night. These are real definitions. There is significance to day and night. The world is a physical entity. And thus everything has some kind of physical manifestation. But it is a physical entity that is made to represent the intent of the Creator – an element of Truth. All is a representation of something greater than the physical.

There are 2 ways to use your eye sight – 1. seeing things and 2. touching things!

Sight sees without coming into contact with the object – it gives us a stronger impression of the reality of the world than touch. Since we see, things as they are unto themselves, then we are experiencing a reality, a reason and a purpose. Sight is a spiritual experience.

Darkness means one moves about by touch, “it is all about how it touches you”, there is no self defining reality.

Then comes light – you see an item and you're not touching it - “its just there”. This is light/ohr with the Creator element. Things are here because they are real, not because “I came in contact with it”.

“We will make an eternal name for ourselves base on mortar” said the builders at the Tower of Babel, and they were not “evil” in the real sense of the world, just limited to darkness.

Workers of light (maase hatzadikim) say, “No I'm being presented with a G-dly phenomena for a G-dly purpose. I see light coming without any limit. The light is not limited to a physical capacity.” Here is where we come to the concept of essence/etzem – light is given due to His intent, not due to a composite process of combustion and fuel etc.

reality means that value is a direct creation, not an inadvertent by product. A direct creation means, things stand since they have a real purpose.

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