Friday, February 11, 2011

100% Purity p: 40

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:40 2/11/2011 Friday 7 AdarAleph 5771

Page 40 – below the middle of the page (line starts “gum ken...”).

Even when there is a flow of sechel from the source of sechel, that comes as a process of ohr chozer it is still ohr, not essence, though it's source is essence.

But nevertheless it is a superior light – superior even to koach hamaskil. This is because it originated in a manner of ohr chozer, which means that which reached and touched the essence of the faculty, not the periphery/presentation.

Essence is not something that is formulated. It is there because of the truth of existence. Thus any Jew, even one who during his life did not care for Judaism, can give his life rather than convert. It is a primary definition and inseparable from his metziut.

Who says there's such a thing as truth? Sechel is not essence, though it may recognize certain imperatives. When it is ohr chozer it doesn't go through a process of sechel at all, and thus a superior light is revealed. Sight connects a person with the object that is observed, yet one still has the ability to close one's eyes – hence it is not an absolute purity. The light from ohr chozer has 100% purity.

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