AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:42 2/27/2011 Sunday 23 AdarAleph 5771
Page 42 – last three lines of top paragraph (line starts “ukmo...”).
The higher a level/element, the lower it has to come. A high level is nullified to it's source and it wants to reveal the source.
Does it have to be this way (that the highest level manifests in the lowest level down here) or is just that sometimes things play out that way?
In answer to this question (seen/heard at the start of the video) Rabbi described the incident where an artist was commissioned to paint a likeness of Moses, who was leading his people in the desert. The artist went to the desert, found Moses, and completed his mission. He returned and showed it to his partron.
“Can't be – this looks like a gangster!” was the patrons response to seeing the artist's work. “no” replied the artist, “I was true to the task – this is a likeness”.
Martina Shapiro - Rebbe |
He himself went to the desert and saw the artist was right.
We mentioned the medrash that describes how the light and dark are the work of good and evil and it was not clear, initially which He desired. This is a wild medrash. Evil actions, doesn't mean evil it means the way the rasha-im get their good. In darkness you only know the tangible.
The world is unlimited and one who wants to make his entire life, based on gashmius, can do it – there's no limit – and this is the work of rasha-im. For tzaddikim the primary reality is Elokus. Physical reality is tangible and it reveals G-dly infinity, but there is coming out of the darkness and realizing that ohr is equally as real as darkness.
This is the yisron ohr. The desire of the animal soul and the G-dly soul is equally balanced. So how does the G-dly soul triumph? Because it wants it because this is the G-dly truth and this brings down the source. The infinity of G-d himself is revealed and this trumps the infinity of creation.
The root of physicality is higher than that of spirituality. Physical stuff does not point back to it's source, representing that there is a Creator without a source. In the physical can be dressed the ein sof itself. There is nothing superior to a mitzvah in deed. The action is supreme.
Etzem/essence is outside of worldly parameters. Essence is true of itself – self substantiating. Real existence is from the truth of His presence. In everything there is the manifestation and then there is the essence – the essence is the Creator element that it represents.
Rashaim reveal the infinity in the creation, and the tzaddikim reveal the ein sof in the Creator. This is called koach atzmi – the presence of the Creator in the creation.
The lie of the wicked is to attribute infinity to the physical. Know that there is One who embedded it there!
Live in the physical world, but don't get confused about what it represents – this is avodah ha birurim.
We have a medrash that tells how the world was originally covered with water and this is like a king who built a palace and settle therein mute inhabitants. Another palace had articulate tenants.
This is like the water and the world of dry land. You have creatures in the sea and on dry land. So what's the difference? They are representing igulim/circles and yashar/straight. 2 ways of G-dly energy coming into the world.
Igulim are like concentric circles. Energy comes from His realm into the world. G-dliness and world are two different systems. G-d has/needs no source. In the world everything has a source. With concentric circles each is fully surrounded by a higher circle and is thus completely nullified to the one that surrounds and supports it. It has no expression/hispashtus. Expression is possible where there was a lacking and you fill that vacancy with the expression. The sun shines into the places where it is not present. With igulim the bigger reality provides all and there is nothing to say or express.
This is how Moshe Rabbenu had difficulty of speech. He was part of Elokus at all time and was, “drawn from water”. He was in total bitul. His prophesy superceded that of all other prophets. None could reach his level. For him it was like, “a man talking to his friend”! His world was so G-dly that he didn't sense his source, he was inside his source continually and his face shone.
Igulim/circles is a process with small vessels. Vessels are the structure used to present an idea.
Bitul/humility has a great advantage, but there is a smallness/lacking to it – this is to be continued.
Rabbi recalled a story he heard as a young boy from a favorite teacher: A man had a business. Trading. He had many workers. Then a relative asked for work. He took him in. The relative was taken aback by the kind of work he had to do. He nudged him for a higher position. So he said, “let's try it out, see those merchants, go and see what they are trading.” he goes out to find out and he gets sent out repeatedly , running back and forth. Then he says, “watch how its done” and sent one of his experienced guys out who returns with a full picture.
If you have a question and you can only think in terms of that question, then it is a matter of keilim katanim – small vessels. A bigger picture has many questions until you have the entire concept defined in words. This is keilim rechavim – expansive vessels.
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