Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Ageless Sun p: 40

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:40 2/10/2011 Thursday 6 AdarAleph 5771

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Page 40 – about 14th line from the top of the page (line starts “lesechel...”).

The essence is not downloaded by hashpaa sichli. Essence is what it is and does not relate to “the outside”.

We discussed this yesterday. Sechel is an application of what is happening at the deepest levels, but it is not essence. It is an identification of what is happening in the soul itself. The sechel chitzoni identifies what is proper at a human level. If you discard the human level you can be left with well-mannered monsters.

Sechel, though originating from essence, it is not the essence. It is that which is applied to the practical reality.

Definition of download of essence is the movement of essence from place to place – for this to occur an element of essence must move, not just a haarah.

Atzmus/essence remains what it it. If it affects something else then it is a haarah.

Essence in a worldly context also is in space, like the sun. Conceptually essence is beyond space, but when we talk in a worldly context we can see the essence move from place to place...

How does birth occur. The essence is transferred.

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