Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Soul beyond mind p: 40

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:40 2/9/2011 Wednesday 5 AdarAleph 5771

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Page 40 – about 10th line from the top of the page (line starts “she haray hu...”).

We are looking at the two forms of hashpaa/mentorship and the principle difference between them.

Hashpaa sichli is chitzoni/external – to do with how the topic shows itself, and the essence and fact of the faculty is not present in the hashpaa.

We are going to look at why in hashpaas ha sechel there is no creation of mehus hasechel, in contrast to leida, where mehus ha sechel is created.

AyinBase of Rebbe Rashab, page 40 from the top (right click to enlarge)

The rav expresses what can be presented, not the very essence of his own understanding. The experience the rav has is not given over in the hashpaa. The whole root is from the koach hamaskil that is in the soul, which is the flow from the soul to be a source for sechel. Sechel searches for the real meaning of things and the soul is the reason for this. In our world things are circumstantial and are not essential entities. Looking at things superficially, objects in the world are not rooted in the world, but are a result of seeking comfort etc.

Nefesh/soul is really an essence. It is here synonymous with will. Here will is not circumstantial. It is to be understood as being higher than sechel. What is higher than sechel? Something for which we cannot identify a beginning. The sechel is really an emanation from that nefesh/will. The reason we understand is because “we want to understand”. There is a reality in sechel, since there is a reality in nefesh.

Pocession means that what we have is based on a G-dly gift. This is the basis of civil life. And there is developed an external level that deals with things and property on the practical level. This is an external level of sechel that addresses things at the worldly/practical level.

We understand sechel, but the reason it has such profound significance is not due to the logic, but due to the sense that there is a truth element and sechel leads you along these lines. To say, “I will not steal, since I don't want my neighbor to steal from me” is lacking a sense of the truth. The truth of how we are supposed to live with others, and each are allotted a portion by Him.

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