Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Point of Truth – Beyond Blue P:38

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:38 2/1/2011 Tuesday 27 Shvat 5771

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Page 38 – 3 lines from the end of the page (line starts “beyoter...”).

The sechel that is drawn directly from the essence of the faculty of sechel, comes into form and revelation, due to ohr chozer (reflected light). But why is there an ohr chozer? Usually sechel is direct. Ohr sechel is aroused when something is presented that cannot be addressed in sechel and it hits the very essence itself. So in the sechel that is presented is a power beyond sechel, containing an unlimited power. The primary truth has no counter-point.

Even so this emanation is behagbalah/limited, due to the sechel element that exists in that revelation. The unlimited element is felt due to the nature of the topic itself, not the sechel that presents it.

In every sechel there is the sichli (the logic and the means of presentation) and then there is the idea itself, which has a more unlimited nature.

The external element of sechel is focused on a practical result, but there is an essential element in this. But the deeper element is that a person feels the human element in a situation that is properly organized and proportioned.

In our times the external has taken preeminence over the internal. It has even been argued that there is no internal world, no human imperative. Principles of proper human behavior are thought of as just conventions, while they are based on deep human factors. The truth is that a human being has profound human qualities.

In the topic itself is enormous truth and reality that cannot be grasped. One may say “the sky is blue”, but this is just a means of describing it, but the impression it gives one is impossible to state.

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