Monday, February 14, 2011

The vessel is not your eyes p: 40

vAyinBase with R' Paltiel p:40 2/14/2011 Monday 10 AdarAleph 5771

Page 40 – about a third from the end of the page (line starts “ohr...”).

The Rebbe explains that the ohr chozer is from the touching of the the essence. This is a direct reflection/deflection from the essence and a superior kind of ohr. Nevertheless this is only ha-arah and thus does not create a new entity. But if the student is able to receive it, it will have a profound effect.

This is like the light will “revive the righteous and deplete the wicked”. The same light has the opposite effects.

p 40 of AyinBase - Rebbe Rashab - lower part of the page

This can be seen in light from the sun. There is a level of light that mixes with shadow and darkness, there is a more essential level where the sun rules and the situation is called “day”. Darkness is not a concern. Higher than this is the light of the sun within the sun. The point is that we can see to receive the physical light, there is the element of having a keili – the vessel is not your eyes – it is a bitul, a sense of reality.

The student experienced a revelation of light that is not dependent on the light of sechel/mind. The Rambam says there is a primary knowledge in the human being that is not on the level of sechel/mind – it is a prerequisite for sechel – it is the acknowledgment that there is a First Being.

The student is now able to “relate to something that has no limit, he doesn't have to stand outside and know himself and through this know something else. The student now relates to infinity itself”.

The student is now enabled to relate to a reality “he doesn't have to wrap his hands around – it is a totally different experience, if you can call it an experience”.

Though this is a tremendous effect, it is by virtue of the ohr, not the etzem.

An etzem has not outer limits and does not end/disipate. This is like the sun's production of light, without the diminution of its power.

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