Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Keep it clean p: 41

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:41 2/22/2011 Tuesday 18 AdarAleph 5771

Page 41 – below the middle of the page (line starts “ikar...”).

We are looking at the fact that the tipa/seminal drop is sourced specifically in the essence. To understand this better we need to reexamine the way there is mentorship of sechel and light. How does an essence have light? The essence recognizes in itself, the universality of what it stands for. The hashpaa of sechel comes from this element. We attempt to transmit sechel based on this principle of universality. Koach ha maskil is from the nefesh – it is the cognizance of a universal truth in sechel.

Layda/birth, by contrast is different. Is not from revelation of ohr/light. It is specifically from the essence. About the drop it is said, “this is mine”, not this is a universal truth. The child resembles the parent, because it is personal, not universal. It is a matter of eternity not universality.

p 41, AyinBase, Rebbe Rashab, lower section of the page (right click to enlarge)

The intent of ratzon is to arouse the sechel. 'I want to live'. Now what it is to have a human life is first identified by the sechel. To live like a human being, one's sechel needs to be employed. The sechel says one should keep things clean, and wear clothes. The ratzon says, 'live'.

The truth is that space is a G-dly infinite presence that allows for everything. The space itself is greater than anything that occupies it. Ratzon is like the demarcation of space, which is like the nefesh/soul. The nefesh itself does not need to be focused – it is a truth unto itself. Yet it has the desire to influence and hence the ratzon takes on a focus.

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