Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Light has a limit p: 40

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:40 2/16/2011 Wednesday 12 AdarAleph 5771

Page 40 – 4 lines from the end of the page (line starts “vehu...”).

Just as in the mashal of light of the sun and candle, the expanse of the light has a limit, and this is due to the light (a ha-arah/reflection) and not due to the source, so too sechel has a limit though the essence is unlimited.

Even so it must be said that the reason for the limit is also due to the tzimzum. The light comes through a tzimzum. There is an intent in the light – it is not just to represent the source, but to “provide light outside”. And when there is the goal of wanting to “provide light outside” without limiting the darkness, there is a tzimzum.

Light that is really a revelation of essence, not via tzimzum, is like the essence with the element of ein sof.

It is a novelty to see that light has a limit. We see that light exists since there is an essence behind it, and an essence is infinite.

Yesterday the main thing we said, is not that a reflection is limited, but, “why would I think otherwise”. What is revealing in the fact that light is limited? This is because the light represents the light, but in a ha-arah/reflection form. Why is this? Why not full representation of the esssence? Because it goes through a tzimzum.

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