Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nowhere to fall

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:39 2/2/2011 Wednesday 28 Shvat 5771

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Page 39 – 7 lines from the top of the page (line starts “hainyan...”).

We are looking at how any sechel, even one that comes from ohr yashar (sechel based on sechel) even there, there is pnimius and chitzonius (interior and external aspects).

In the pnimius is felt the whole principle and limitlessness of the topic.

Sechel is like a building. One level supports the next. Each level though well understood in its own regard, is supported by it's base. Sechel is contextual.

The bli gvul of the inyan is the limitless, self supporting aspect of the topic. We feel/sense the G-dly reality.

The deeper and more sichli a person is, the more calm he is. There are people, “great heads” who can sit for 24 hours on one topic. This is not just sechel, it is a sense of a deeper reality. If you know “the needle's certainly in the hay-stack” then you can find it – a new level of reality and confidence is exposed.

The Rebbe asks subtle questions in his sichas. He is basing all this on the principle that everything in Torah must be perfect – only one who has this principle can proceed on this path.

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