Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You alone! p: 41

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:41 2/23/2011 Wednesday 19 AdarAleph 5771

Page 41 – below the middle of the page (line starts “ha-atzmi-im...”).

The essential drop is a derivative of essence and contains an infinite aspect. Further, every faculty that is involved with producing this drop is also by virtue of the essence.

Since the essence itself is brought along in this hashpaa, the result is a whole new presence, not just an effect.

The essence itself is transmitted, though we already explained that an essence does not become a source to something. A makor/source is involved with gilui/revelation and hispashtus/expansion.

There is a Freudian idea that the will to procreate is the primary human impulse. This is saying that everything that a person does needs a reason. Nothing is self-sufficient. We say 'yes, indeed there is an essential element in this, but it is the G-dly presence, and without recognizing the G-dliness it becomes meaningless and destructive.'

“Dir alein – You alone!” would the alte rebbe say in his davening/prayers. “G-d I just want You – not Your manifestations and revelations”.

We contrasted the download of essence vs that of light. A download of anything is based on the content, but essence has no element that describes what it is, nor justification, nor process. Essence is not a “hamshacha from...” but a “hamshacha of...”

There are rules of physics that are deemed to be part of this physical world. Like inertia. But the reason they are present is because a G-dly infinity has been implanted in the world.

The klipa claims that what it has, which was given by Him, belongs to it. This is why it dissipates.

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